Sep 21, 2023

5 ways rebate programmes can build customer loyalty

rebate programmes

Customer loyalty is a cornerstone of success in B2B, where lasting relationships with clients can have direct implications for a company’s bottom line. 


In the intricate world of commerce, where transactions often involve substantial investments and long-term commitments, the significance of customer loyalty and two-way trust cannot be underestimated. Intricate supply chains, complex decision-making processes, and extensive vendor-client partnerships make business to business interactions a hard slog. But, businesses that prioritise positive customer interaction and therefore cultivate customer loyalty, stand to reap the benefits, often including enhanced revenue streams, cost savings, and a more resilient market position. 


There are many traditional ways a business could enhance customer loyalty – investing in quality products and good customer service are a standard, but businesses should also think outside the box for new ways to encourage and leverage loyalty. 


Rebate programs, for example, can be effective B2B tools for building customer loyalty. An alternative to offering a discount at the point of purchase, a rebate deal delivers after a sale and once the agreed criteria has been met, which might be volume of sales or a tiered rebate approach. Using rebates gives businesses far greater options, offering financial incentives and rewards that can encourage repeat business and long-term relationships. 


However, despite the numerous values rebate agreements bring to both parties, there is still a stigma associated with using them, which should be dispelled before we continue. 


Why are rebates sometimes looked at negatively by businesses? Here’s a few reasons companies pull away from using rebates:


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