Mar 30, 2020

How to improve your Pricing Strategy using Rebate Management

pricing strategy

In the B2B world, having an effective pricing strategy is paramount to cementing a large and loyal customer base. Discounts are frequently offered as part of promotional strategies and sales incentives and will often represent a large percentage of a company’s marketing investment. However, all incentives need to be made strategically and offering discounts on things like volume-based purchases is risky and will often fail to create the long-term value you’re looking for.

Every promotional strategy needs to bring in a favourable ROI – and this is precisely why B2B rebates are a far more effective and reliable pricing strategy than discounts. If you’re not using rebates, you’re likely not driving value-creating behaviour amongst your customer base – or, even worse, giving your customers bigger discounts than they deserve.

The problem, however, is that despite their value, B2B rebate programmes are inherently more complex than simply offering discounts, which is why they are often avoided. This means that robust rebate management tools and processes are required in order to ensure you’re offering the right price to every customer without eroding your margins, in an easy to manage environment.


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